
Domex toilet Cleaner

Domex toilet Cleaner is a great product of your choice needless to mention. You would find an effective, reliable, strong and disinfecting toilet cleaner can make a big difference in getting this chore done with lesser frustration and quicker results...



Harpic is again a great quality powerful cleaner as it directly attacks the stains. The product offers better cleaning than the regular bleach and detergents. Toilet is one area which not only gets dirty but is also full of germs and therefore requires nothing but the best cleaning...


Harpic Bathroom Cleaner

Harpic Bathroom Cleaner is recognized for offering an unbeatable cleaning by removing the toughest spots and stains on the toilet bowl.  The product offers a pleasant fresh fragrance that is available in two variants - Citrus and Floral...


Harpic Bleach

Harpic Bleach is helpful in cleaning the bathroom surfaces, including the walls at regular intervals. You just need to close the lid of the toilet before you flush as there are chances that bacteria such as E. coli and salmonella may fly into the air and land on the seat and other surface..


Harpic Flushmatic

Harpic Flushmatic is just a powerful toilet cleaner, strongest of the Harpic lot that gives you unbeatable cleaning both above and below the waterline and citrus freshness for the toilet. The product has a thick liquid formula with powerful cleaning agents clings to the toilet surface and..


Harpic Fresh Citrus

Harpic Fresh Citrus provides your toilet with 100 % more stain-removal and 100 % better germ protection. The product offers toilet a pleasant fresh fragrance and helps avoid odour for long. It easily spreads on the toilet bowl and provides 100% better cleaning than the ordinary toilet ble..


Harpic Germ & Stain Blaster

Harpic Germ & Stain Blaster is quite helpful in effective killing of 100 % more germs and gives 100 % more stain removal with deep cleaning above and below the water line for a shiny clean toilet. The product is quite helpful in eliminating odour and leaving the toilet smelling fresh...


Mr Muscle Floor Cleaner

Mr Muscle Floor Cleaner is helpful in killing germs as it can linger your room even after cleaning in the regular days. You just need to make sure that you must use a disinfectant room cleaner after regular intervals of a few days...


Odonil Toilet Air Freshner

Odonil Toilet Air Freshner makes all air inside the toilet pure and clean. It is being used round the globe for variety of purposes. It is the best choice among all harpic variants as compared to ordinary detergents...


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